Helping the Community

Bar Charity of the Year

The Bar of Northern Ireland has a longstanding tradition of supporting charities and each year the Bar Charity Committee nominates a Charity to support.

The Committee organises various events throughout the year to raise awareness and funds for our chosen charities including a Charity Ball, Santa’s Grotto and a dragon boat race.

National Bar Mock Trial Competition

In the Bar National Mock Trial Competition, school students take on the roles of barristers and witnesses and present their case against teams from other schools. First they have to become familiar with the case. Then they have to battle it out in real courtrooms, in front of real judges, providing young people from schools across Northern Ireland with advocacy experience and an insight into the law and the legal system. The Northern Ireland Regional heat is held in the Royal Courts of Justice in November every year with students from across Northern Ireland competing for a place in the National Final.

Supported by the Bar Council, the competition has developed over many years where barristers are involved as judges, organisers and coaches. Students are coached by barristers who volunteer their time to attend schools throughout Northern Ireland on a weekly basis. Barristers meet with the students and their teachers to coach them at school, bring them to visit the courts, and help them to prepare for the competition.

Pro Bono Choir

Drawn from barristers, solicitors and other legal professionals, the Pro Bono Choir performs regularly at events including the Annual Christmas concert in the Royal Courts of Justice, the annual Carol Service and at other charity events throughout the year.

Please contact us here for more information.

Work Experience

We receive many requests from students who would like to organise a work placement with a Barrister in Northern Ireland. You should forward your request here and we will endeavour to accommodate your request if possible.