Administrative Law or Judicial Review
Family Law
Human Rights
Mediation or Alternative Dispute Resolution
I have a particular interest and expertise in Family, Matrimonial and Children law.
I have gained extensive experience of representing parents in all tiers of Court in Private Law disputes regarding Contact and Residence of their children, Relocation applications and Wardship applications.
I have a wealth of experience in representing parents and Guardian ad Litems, in Public Law cases, both in the Family Care Centre and High Court and particularly in Care Order applications, Supervision Order applications and in applications to Free children for Adoption. I have developed experience in dealing with cases which include allegations of non-accidental injuries and allegations of physical and sexual abuse.
I represent clients in Divorce and Ancillary Relief proceedings both at County Court and High Court levels. I also appear in Equity Civil Bill and Injunction applications, relating to matrimonial property.
I have represented a number of international clients in the course of my practice, with clients originating from China, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Poland.
I am a trained Mediator in both Civil and Family Law.
I was a committee member of the Young Bar in 2005/2006 and in 2006/2007. I am a member of the Family Bar Association.
In March 2016, I was selected to represent the Bar of Northern Ireland at the International Academy of Trial Lawyers Conference in Washington D.C.
LL.B Queen’s University, Belfast
2005; Certificate of Professional Legal Studies, Institute of Professional Legal Studies, Queen’s University, Belfast
2005; Called to the Bar of Northern Ireland
2012; Called to the Bar of Ireland
2012; CORE Mediation Training
2013; CORE – Advanced Advocacy in Family Law
2013; QuEST – Family Mediation Training
Reported cases in which I have appeared:
Southern Health and Social Care Trust v A McS & Others [2014] NIFam 9
X (a father) v A Health and Social Care Trust and another [2014] NIFam 10