Barrister Profile



Year of Call: 1996

Main Areas of Practice

Family Law
Human Rights
Land Law


Ruth McGregor has almost 20 years of expeience in providing advice and representation from first instance hearing to Court of Appeal level in Children Order and Ancillary Relief cases.

DIVORCE & ANCILLARY RELIEF: Extensive experience in all types of Ancillary Relief Proceedings including assets abroad, dissipation of assets and pensions, freezing injunctions, trusts and all aspects of Matrimonial property and finance.

CHILDREN ORDER: Extensive experience in both private and public law cases. Ruth McGregor has regularily represented parents accused of serious non-accidental injuries, neglect, sexual and physical abuse, ficticious illness (Munchansen’s) syndrome, rape, serious domestic violence and murder.

Experience in international children law cases involving the Hague Convention and Removal of children cases inside and outside of Europe. Relocation of children cases.

EQUITY CIVIL BILLS: Extensive experience in Equity Civil Bills, Married Woman’s Property Act and Declaration of Interest cases.


1995: LLB (Hons), Queen’s University Belfast

1996: Certificate of Professional Legal Studies, Queen’s University Belfast

1998 - 2015: Social Secretary, Bar Library, Belfast

1999 - 2005: Secretary, Family Bar Committee and Association


J, T & C; in re (care orders; concurrent criminal and family proceedings; burden of proof) [2004] NIFam 13

South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust v B & another [2011] NIFam 13 - Child X suffering non-accidnental injuries; determination of who was responsible for the injuries; whether mother caused injuries; whether father caused injuries; whether both caused some of the injuries

C (a child); in re (care proceedings) [2011] NIFam 9 - Application for a care order; fact finding; threshold criteria; C victim of significant non-accidental injuries during first two months of her life; parents only possible perpetrators of C’s injuries

L; in re (relocation application) [2011] NIFam 5 - Application by mother a Romanian national to relocate L to Romania; whether mother’s application genuine and realistic; whether father’s opposition motivated by genuine concern for the future of L’s welfare

L (relocation application); in re; [2013] NICA 45 - Appeal by mother, a Romanian national against decision of Stephens J dismissing her application to relocate to Romania with her daughter L; trial judge concluding that whether he applied the guidance in Payne-v-Payne [2001] EWCA Civ 166 or the welfare checklist, application should be refused; whether judge erred in his decision on the evidence then available; consideration of case law; fresh evidence; whether new evidence would have a bearing upon the outcome of application. Decision: Appeal dismissed.